Wednesday, 22 January 2014

The next phase of peg people

I recently asked the Twittersphere what/whom I should create next with my wooden peg people.
A number of suggestions were forthcoming including, Peter Pan characters, The Incredibles and various children's book characters, but yesterday evening at about 5:30pm, I had a request from illustrator Steven Lenton, which has been a recurring suggestion since the film launched before Christmas, namely the characters from the latest Disney film, Frozen.

So despite my growing 'to do' list, I downed tools (OK, the iron) and set to work sketching the main characters, Anna and Elsa.
Anna and Elsa
It was great to see them coming together and once I started there was no stopping me, it's addictive stuff. Damn you, Mr Lenton! So out came the paints...

As you can see from the photo above, the wooden pegs are 2 inches in height so in order for this to work it's important not to add too much detail, but enough so you can tell who it is!
It's important to stay true to the colours as they're seen on film and I take time mixing my paints to get it as close as I possibly can.
Slowly adding colour
For those of you who haven't yet had the pleasure of seeing the film, you must! It's a complete delight and with plenty of adult humour to keep all ages amused.

I finally finished Anna (minus the varnish) at about 11:30pm last night and Elsa wasn't far behind...

The finished Frozen characters.


  1. These are adorable! My girls loved the film...we are waiting for the DVD release (read, asking every day...Mum's when's Frozen out on CDDVD?)

  2. Thank you @littleblackduckblog. Love your blog too!

  3. Jeanne Paglio
    They are wonderful!
