Sunday, 30 November 2014

Sock Monkey

Following a request from my middle child for a sock monkey for Christmas, I set about the search.

There were an array of fabulous designs and colours but having seen an abundance of tutorials, I decided to have a go myself.

I found this fabulous tutorial courtesy of Pinterest and armed with the perfect socks, I got cracking.

For the monkey pictured above, I used an adult sock but you can use any size and in fact, I may try a smaller sock for my next one.

Here he is looking a little more like a monkey and less like a sock... Progress.

Minus a tail, but almost there.

Meet Marcel!


  1. That's a fab monkey that's how I started thought I can do that !! I love crafting think my first attempt wasn't quite as good as yours though made them as a hobby for a few years then last year 2014 decided to sell them as I already made Bagcharms to sell now they have taken over my world you can visit me on facebook http://www.sunnyteddysdesigns

  2. that is brilliant work, some of nice facts you have shared with us so far Adopt a dog
